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Image by Fabian Mardi

– 總凈資產的最低要求將由80萬澳元提升至125萬澳元
– 最低企業營業額由50萬澳元提高至75萬澳元
– 營商要求由2年提升至3年時間才可轉做永居身份

澳洲188A 簽證主要優勢:

  • 對申請人沒有英語要求

  • 只需審計公司營業額, 最低投資20萬澳元,投資生意形式較靈活

  • 可帶符合條件的直接家庭成員一同申請臨居及相應的永居簽證

  • 簽證持有者可自由往返澳洲

  • 持有簽證期間,子女可免費就讀澳洲公立中小學

  • 全家移民


Australian Business Innovation Stream Subclass 188A Visa


The Business Innovation stream is for successful business people who want to establish or develop a business in Australia.

Eligibility conditions

Applicants for the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) Business Innovation stream must meet several eligibility requirements for their visa to be granted. The applicant must have:

  • A nomination from an Australian state or territory government 

  • Ownership in one more business for at least 2 of the previous 4 financial years, which must have had an annual turnover of at least AUD$750,000 in those years

  • Ownership of one of the following: 

    • At least 51% of a business with an annual turnover of less than AUD$400,000 

    • At least 30% of a business with an annual turnover of more than AUD$400,000 

    • At least 10% ownership of a publicly listed company

  • A total of AUD$1,500,000 in business and/or personal assets, which must have been acquired legally and must be able to be transferred to Australia within 2 years of the visa start date. Your partner or spouse's assets count towards this sum.

If the business nominated to meet the conditions above provides services of a professional, technical, or trade nature you must have spent a maximum of 50% of your time providing those services personally, and a minimum of 50% of your time managing the business.

Applicants must normally be 55 or younger to qualify for this visa, but the age requirement can be waived at the discretion of the nominating state or territory if the proposed business will benefit the state or territory's economy greatly.

Points test

Applicants must score a minimum of 65 points on the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) points test. For more information please contact the PremierVisa consultant for a professional assessment.

Processing Time: 14-22 months

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