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  • ​無英語要求

  • ​無年齡限制

  • 投資金額要求維持於500萬澳元,但投資比例有所調整,風險投資由10%提高至20%,穩定性投資由60% 調低至50%,詳情更新如下:

  • 投資至少100萬澳元 (20%) 于澳洲創業基金和成長型私募股權基金的新創和小型私營企業

  • 投資至少150萬澳元 (30%) 于ASX上市公司的管理基金 投資至少250 萬澳元 (50%) 于 “平衡性投資” 的管理基金 ,包括ASX上市公司,合規公司債券或期票,年金和不動產

澳洲188C 重大投資臨時居民簽證



  • 沒有年齡限制

  • 沒有英語要求

  • 沒有評分要求

  • 審批速度快

  • 居住要求寬鬆,可申請兩次延簽

  • 可帶符合條件的直接家庭成員一同申請臨居及相應的永居簽證

  • ​每年只需住滿40天. 無環球征稅

  • 簽證持有者可自由往返澳洲

  • 持有簽證期間,子女可免費就讀澳洲公立中小學

  • 全家移民

  • ​過百成功案例


  • 於澳洲擁有多個合規澳洲基金網絡,與當地不同澳洲合規188基金機構有良好的合作關係,擁有多種獨家投資項目,涵蓋零售業及各行業、商場及酒店、土地開發及度身訂制的投資組合等,讓投資移民澳洲的客戶達到各種簽證的要求。

Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188)


You must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or Austrade before being invited to apply for this visa.

The State or Territory government agency or Austrade that nominates you must not withdraw their nomination after you apply, or we will be unable to grant you a visa.

Eligibility conditions

To be granted this visa, you must make (on or after the time of application for this visa), a complying significant investment of at least AUD5 million when we invite you to, and have a genuine intention to hold that investment for at least 4 years. It must be invested in the following proportions:

  • at least AUD500,000 in venture capital and growth private equity funds which invest in start-ups and small private companies

  • at least AUD1.5 million in approved managed funds. The managed funds must invest in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange

  • a ‘balancing investment’ of at least AUD3 million in managed funds

The managed funds can invest in a range of assets, including companies listed on the Australian stock exchange, Australian corporate bonds or notes, annuities and commercial real estate.

We prohibit direct investment in residential real estate. We strictly limit indirect investment in residential property through managed funds.

You must not use investments as security or collateral for a loan.

Processing Time: 12 months

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