Hong Kong Residency Benefits

HK residence & citizenship
Eligibility to apply for permanent status and citizenship thereafter

The entire family are eligible
Spouses/civil partners, dependent children under 18
The objective of the Scheme is to facilitate the entry for residence by capital investment entrants (the entrant), i.e. persons who make capital investment in Hong Kong but would not be engaged in the running of any business here. The entrant is allowed to make his choice of investments amongst permissible assets without the need to establish or join in a business.

Visa-free Travel
To 170 countries worldwide, including EU & UK with an Irish passport

Residency requirements
Non-Chinese citizen with 7 years of continuous residence in Hong Kong, subject to approvals and a declaration of permanent residence intent

Fast processing time
Department of Justice usually makes decision within 6 months

Tax regime
As in the UK, Irish tax liability is based on residence and domicile

Option to Let Your Property
Secure your HK residency with potential returns on your investments.
High Standard of Schooling
Access to many prestigious universities at lower HK tuition fees.
Immigration Options
In order to be considered for the program you can choose any one of the 2 immigration options, which will grant you and your family permission to reside in Hong Kong. Non-Chinese citizen with 7 years of continuous residence in Hong Kong, subject to approvals and a declaration of permanent residence intent。
Option 1
To qualify for admission under the Scheme, the entrant must :
be aged 18 or above when applying for entry under the Scheme;
have net assets of not less than HK$10 million* to which he is absolutely beneficially entitled throughout the two years preceding his application** ;
have invested within six months before submission of his application to the Immigration Department, or will invest within six months after the granting of approval in principle by the Immigration Department, not less than HK$10 million* in permissible investment asset classes (except Certificates of Deposit which must be invested within the latter period) as detailed in "Permissible Investment Asset Classes";
have no adverse record both in Hong Kong and country/region of residence; and
be able to demonstrate that he is capable of supporting and accommodating himself and his dependants, if any, on his own without relying on any return on the permissible investment assets, employment or public assistance in Hong Kong.
*The investment threshold (and Net assets or Net equity requirement) has been raised from HK$6.5 million to HK$10 million with effect from 14 October 2010.
Permissible Investment Asset Classes
The entrant should invest not less than HK$10 million* in one or a combination of the following permissible investment assets** :
Equities - shares of companies that are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and traded in Hong Kong dollar.
Debt securities - denominated in Hong Kong dollars including fixed or floating rate instruments and convertible bonds which are issued or fully guaranteed by the HKSAR Government, the Exchange Fund, the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation, MTR Corporation Limited, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, Hong Kong Airport Authority and other corporations, agencies or bodies wholly or partly owned by the HKSAR Government as may be specified from time to time; or by companies referred to under (A) above.
Certificates of Deposits - denominated in Hong Kong dollars issued by authorized institutions as defined in the Banking Ordinance with a remaining term to maturity of not less than twelve months at the time of purchase (such purchase should take place after approval in principle has been given by the Immigration Department for the entrant to join the Scheme and that such instruments, on reaching maturity, should be replaced by Certificates of Deposits with a remaining term to maturity of not less than twelve months or by assets in other permissible investment asset classes).
Subordinated debt - denominated in Hong Kong Dollars issued by authorised institutions which satisfies Schedules 4B and 4C to the Banking (Capital) Rules (Chapter 155L), a subsidiary legislation under the Banking OrdinanceNote 2 .
Eligible Collective Investment SchemesNote 3 - for the purpose of the Scheme as published and updated in the Immigration Department's website from time to time (Please click here for the list).
Portfolio Maintenance Requirement
Portfolio maintenance and ring-fencing requirements will be imposed to ensure that the entrant does not reduce his investment commitment while he is permitted to stay in Hong Kong under the Scheme. The entrant is required to transact only in the Specified financial assets in designated account opened with a single financial intermediary Note 4. Details of the requirements are set out in the Scheme Rules [ID(E)968]. An entrant is required to undertake in the application form to the effect that he agrees to abide by the Scheme Rules whilst remaining in Hong Kong as an entrant under the Scheme (the Undertaking).
Note4:The financial intermediary must be an authorized institution as defined in the Banking Ordinance, a licensed corporation licensed to perform Type 1, 4 or 9 regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance or an insurer authorized to carry on Class C business as specified in Part 2 of the First Schedule to the Insurance Companies Ordinance.